» » Address of West Ukrainian National University

Address of West Ukrainian National University

Дата: 3-03-2022, 15:00 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The staff of West Ukrainian National University appeals to all international organizations that condemn the actions of the aggressor country of Russia and want to help Ukraine. We have a war! The Russian invasion caused the greatest humanitarian catastrophe in Europe since World War II. The enemy openly inflicts constant artillery, missile, and bomb attacks on children, residents of peaceful cities, educational institutions, maternity hospitals, and kindergartens.

Russia is destroying primarily women, children, the elderly, millions of citizens who want peace, not war.

We appeal to international organizations that have a corresponding mandate to create "green corridors" for the population to leave the war zone. You have the opportunity to save millions of Ukrainians who are now being destroyed by Russia. Do not be indifferent, do not take the side of the enemy, who came to our land today, and tomorrow will pursue an aggressive policy in your countries. We count on active actions and a clear position on the Ukrainian people. We need to know whether we can count on you or not. 

We sincerely believe that we will be heard and hundreds of thousands of lives will be saved by you. Help us to survive and save the most valuable thing - the life of Ukrainians!

Thousands of staff of West Ukrainian National University