» » HTW Berlin

HTW Berlin

Дата: 7-03-2022, 12:00 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Dear Colleagues,

We feel the need to assure you of our solidarity and help during these difficult days.

HTW Berlin condemns in the strongest possible terms the military aggression against Ukraine, which is in contradiction to international law and the fundamental values to which the university subscribes.

We would very much like to support Ukranian academics and students in their studies therefore HTW Berlin will coordinate measures with the agencies involved (DAAD, Berlin Senate, etc.) to offer concrete assistance. Support services are being prepared. This includes the admission and continuation of studies for refugees as well as the admission of academics.

It is very important for us to emphasize that we would like to help you and your colleagues with anything possible. Please do not hesitate to mention how we can make this possible!

Members of your university, students and prospective students from Ukraine are welcome at HTW Berlin. Information on how to apply can be found here: deutsch | english

Our hearts go out to you, your family and your friends at this time and we hope you are safe and well!

Best regards from Berlin,

Tilo Wendler