» » Silesian University of Technology

Silesian University of Technology

Дата: 7-03-2022, 12:30 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Dear partners, colleagues and friends of the Silesian University of Technology,

We express our deepest regret due to tragic consequences flowing from the Russian aggression and invasion of the Ukrainian territory, freedom, and peace. The information that we receive through the media convinces us that this aggression is aimed not only at military objects but also at innocent civilians. We strongly oppose all military operations on the Ukrainian territory! We admire the brave defensive actions of the Ukrainians!

We understand that in these challenging times for Ukrainian citizens, students, and scientists, immediate help is a key aspect to preserve the scientific potential of great scientific tradition and great scientists. In response to the above, at the Silesian University of Technology, we prepared a number of programmes that express our solidarity and support addressed to both students and scientists from Ukraine. A detailed description of these programmes including information in the Ukrainian language is provided on our website https://www.polsl.pl/ps_aktualnosci/pomoc-ps-dla-studentow-i-kandydatow-z-ukrainy/ .

Moreover, many other organizations in Poland offer support to Ukrainian scientists in the form of admission to Polish research groups, accommodation, scholarships, and other support. Several Polish government programmes will be launched in the very near future to support Ukrainian scientists. The initiatives of the Polish Young Academy, Polish Academy of Sciences are described in detail on the following website https://amu.pan.pl/en/wsparcie-dla-uczonych-z-ukrainy/  and are also updated on the Facebook profile https://www.facebook.com/AkademiaMlodychUczonych/ .

With all due respect and admiration for Ukrainians, trust and faith in the fast de-escalation and return of your freedom and peace.


Ph.D., D.Sc.

Andrzej Katunin  /  Associate Professor

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Fundamentals of Machinery Design

Konarskiego 18A, 407, 44-100 Gliwice

+48 32 237 10 69


ORCID: 0000-0002-9386-5104