» » Powislanski University

Powislanski University

Дата: 14-03-2022, 10:30 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Dear Friends,

We hope that this e-mail finds you in good health. Powislanski University, including its entire academic community is with you with all its academic heart - today we are all Ukrainians.

We also strongly oppose any aggression against your free and independent nation and country.

In these days of trial - the trial of humanity - we are ready to provide you with all necessary help and support. Within the walls of our University there are ongoing collections of bandages, medical supplies and first aid. We provide them to the needy on a regular basis, but we can also try to give them to the needy in your region. We have also joined in the organized relief of other necessities - food/equipment and daily supplies, etc. that go to refugees and the border. Our students and staff of Ukrainian origin have received psychological help.

If we can help you with anything please let us know. We would love to be involved even more and offer more support, but we need to know what your needs are.

We believe in your strength and fortitude! Remember, you are not alone, you have warm partners in us, ready to give you support and help.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Katarzyna Strzala-Osuch, Prof. PSW Vice Rector for Development and Cooperation


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