» » Day 20 of war in Ukraine

Day 20 of war in Ukraine

Дата: 15-03-2022, 11:30 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Our defenders are heroically defending the land from the enemy and helping the civilian population to survive in these difficult times. West Ukrainian National University continues to carry out large-scale volunteer activities with even greater zeal than before. In order to help people from the occupied territories, migrants and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, we continue to collect food, hygiene products, medicines, warm clothing, and military equipment.

We would like to thank all the teams of institutes, faculties, and colleges of the classical university of Ternopil, foreign partners, and Ternopil residents who provide daily humanitarian aid for their assistance. We believe that the war will soon end and peace will come to our God-blessed land. Together to victory!