» » Volunteering at WUNU

Volunteering at WUNU

Дата: 31-03-2022, 11:35 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Volunteers of West Ukrainian National University have cgathered 80 first aid kits, which will be sent to the defenders of Ukraine today. The Volunteer Center expresses its sincere gratitude to all those who helped financially and physically to provide the necessary medicines for those who are at the front.

"Students, workers, volunteers of the classical university of Ternopil do their best every day to bring victory closer. Doing what we can, we defend our Ukraine. Volunteering is very important, because defenders and people seeking refuge in western Ukraine need our care and help. This is our front and our borders and we will not retreat," said Anton Shevchuk, head of the Volunteer Center.

In order to fill the first-aid kits, the Ukrainian military needs to buy harnesses and bags. We ask everyone who cares to help by transferring money. Card number: 4323 3570 2513 3758 (Anton Shevchuk)

University family! Each of us can make our best contribution to victory.

Everything will be Ukraine!