» » Art-therapy


Дата: 1-04-2022, 12:40 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The Art Therapy project, initiated by the staff of the Department of Humanitarian Education and Upbringing of the Classical University of Ternopil, is designed to help families who, unfortunately, have learned too closely what war is.

Every week in the university meetings are held, that gives moments of comfort and creative inspiration to those who need it. On March 31, our little friends from Kyiv, Kharkiv, Zaporizhia, Gostomel, Bucha together with their mothers and grandmothers were engaged in needlework at a master class, which was skillfully conducted by a specialist of the department Maria Gaida. In addition, the children enjoyed watching cartoons in the makeshift cinema, enjoying a variety of sweets over a cup of tea and actively communicating, becoming closer friends.

War should not take away childhood! May it be peaceful and cloudless for our children!

We remind you that the meetings within the project, organized jointly with our partners: NGO "Educational and Social Innovation" and the International Fund for Social Adaptation (NORD University) are held regularly. So follow the announcements and join us next time!