» » Lecture "Legal regulation of bankruptcy in Poland and the EU"

Lecture "Legal regulation of bankruptcy in Poland and the EU"

Дата: 6-04-2022, 15:30 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The School of Polish and European Law of West Ukrainian National University invites students and teachers to the lecture "Legal Regulation of Bankruptcy in Poland and the EU", which will take place on April 7-8 at 18.00.

Lecturer: Marek Porzycki, Doctor of the Jagiellonian University, member of the working group on codification of Polish bankruptcy legislation.

We will talk аbout:
the ratio of insolvency, restructuring and bankruptcy;
features of the legal status of the arbitration trustee in Poland;
bankruptcy proceedings;
implementation of the procedure for disposing of the debtor's property;
the consequences of declaring the debtor bankrupt under the laws of Poland and the EU;
features of consumer bankruptcy proceedings.

The event will be held via the ZOOM platform.
Meeting ID: 381 856 3833
Passcode: 123456