» » Heart to heart

Heart to heart

Дата: 14-04-2022, 11:30 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Due to the war, West Ukrainian National University has become a logistics center, which receives humanitarian aid from foreign partner organizations, distributes it and sends it to different parts of our long-suffering Ukraine.

Wrocław University of Economics (Republic of Poland), in particular its branch in Jelenia Góra, is a long-term partner of our university, with which dozens of successful research and educational projects have been implemented in peacetime, including the annual International Spring Schools in Management and Public Administration and International Winter Interdisciplinary Schools. Today, the staff of the Wroclaw University of Economics Branch in Jelenia Góra has sent us humanitarian aid.

The staff of the classical university of Ternopil expresses its sincere gratitude to the Dean of the Wroclaw University of Economics in Jelenia Góra, dr hab., prof. Elżbieta Sobczak and the entire staff of the higher education institution for the initiative to help and support the people of Ukraine. Together we will definitely win.