» » Lecture "The case law of the EU Court of Justice in the field of copyright"

Lecture "The case law of the EU Court of Justice in the field of copyright"

Дата: 11-05-2022, 16:00 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The School of Polish and European Law invites students and teachers to a lecture entitled "The Case Law of the EU Court of Justice in the Field of Copyright" to be held on May 13 at 5 pm.

Lecturer - Doctor of Jagiellonian University, lawyer, mediator Sybilla STANISŁAWSKA-KLOC.

We will talk аbout:
sources of copyright of the European Union;
features of establishing the authorship of the work and invention;
the case law of the Court of Justice of the EU on the fair use of works (use of works in the library, citations);
specifics of e-learning;
the case law of the EU Court of Justice in the field of plagiarism and autoplagiarism, the relationship between the work and the trademark, the commercialization of intellectual property rights;
issues of copyright protection on the Internet.

The event will be held online:
Meeting ID: 832 3388 8936
Passcode: 79825