» » A meeting with a leading scientist in the field of agroclimatology

A meeting with a leading scientist in the field of agroclimatology

Дата: 12-05-2022, 12:30 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 At the initiative of the Department of Agrobiotechnology of WUNU Institute of Innovation, Nature Management and Infrastructure, students of agronomy and related specialties attended an open lecture delivered by a leading scientist in the field of agroclimatology, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin and the Zamość Academy (Poland) Andrzej Samborski.

The topic of the meeting: "Natural and anthropogenic causes of climate change". The lecture touched upon the peculiarities of agricultural meteorology, taking into account the direction of study of students, highlighted the main patterns of influence of weather conditions and adverse meteorological phenomena on agricultural production facilities. The basic concepts of agrometeorology, their definitions and calculation methods were given. Considerable attention was paid to agroclimatology and methods of agrometeorological forecasts, on the basis of which scenarios of climate change until 2030 in the region were developed.