» » Working meeting within the "Twinning Initiative"

Working meeting within the "Twinning Initiative"

Дата: 15-07-2022, 11:58 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The third working meeting of representatives of West Ukrainian National University and De Monfort University was facilitated by the Cormack Consultancy Group within the framework of the Twinning Initiative.

The meeting was chaired by the first vice-rector, Mykola Shynkaryk, who introduced the teaching staff of the Law Faculty, which included Kostiantyn Flissak, Hanna Poperechna, Iryna Yurkevych, Yulia Muravska, and Tetiana Kuz. Oksana Koval, Director of the Education and Research Institute of International Communications, presented her programme.

Based on the results of the meeting:
- creation of working groups in the areas of: "International Economics", "International Economic Relations", "Law" was approved;
- the expediency of creating and presenting a working group in the area of "Cybersecurity" was discussed;
- an action plan was defined for each of these groups.

The parties have also agreed upon the details of signing the Memorandum of Understanding.

WUNU has been granted access to De Montfort University resources (library, online foreign language support).

We encourage all interested parties to join the fruitful cooperation at the next stage of the meetings.