» » Education and Research Institute of Communications expands the horizons of international cooperation

Education and Research Institute of Communications expands the horizons of international cooperation

Дата: 21-07-2022, 15:51 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Forget Bitcoin, trust is the new currency that will make you rich. Trust is a fragile but very expensive commodity. That's what Mr. Keld Jensen believes - a world-renowned international expert and adviser on communication and negotiations, founder of the SMARTnership negotiation strategy.

The Director of WUNU Education and Research Institute of Communications met with Keld Jensen recently. During the meeting, they discussed the concept of future cooperation within the master's educational programme of two diplomas "Psychology of negotiations and mediation", which is implemented by the Institute together with the Netherlands Business Academy.

A recognized leader in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and North America, Keld is the author of 24 books in 37 countries, including Partnership Negotiations, which has been translated into four languages, and Communication Competence, which has been recognized as one of the best books on management in Scandinavia.

During the conversation, Mr. Jensen became interested in the educational master's programme "Psychology of negotiations and mediation" and other projects of the Institute of Communications of West Ukrainian National University. The parties agreed on the participation of Keld Jensen in the activities of the ERIC.

After all, right now we have to join our efforts with the entire civilized world in training specialists who will be able to convince and resolve any conflicts using the most humane weapon - the word.