» » WUNU students share their impressions of studying at a leading university in Germany

WUNU students share their impressions of studying at a leading university in Germany

Дата: 17-08-2022, 20:22 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Students of the 4th year of the "International Economics" educational programme of West Ukrainian National University share their impressions of studying at the Dresden University of Technology.

"It's now been 5 months of our stay in Germany. Finally, the exams have been completed, all the tests have been taken. Now we just have to wait for the results. It is hard to believe that time has passed so quickly and our semester of study at the Dresden University of Technology is coming to an end.

Remembering our beginning, it is worth noting that we tried to get our bearings for a while. We were especially impressed by the library, because it is a place where you want to be and study hard, so there are always a lot of students there. Immediately after our arrival, we started German language courses, had a meeting with the professor, tours of the university and the city of Dresden. Of course, there were also formalities: opening a bank account, insurance, registration. However, our curator from Dresden University helped us with all the documents.

Then came the fun part - choosing courses from more than 100 disciplines. The university also provides an opportunity to additionally study various foreign languages. I chose Chinese and Polish. It was really cool and interesting.

Our studies are coming to an end, but we still have a month left, so we plan to spend this time traveling and meeting new people.''