» » Cooperation with De Montfort University

Cooperation with De Montfort University

Дата: 16-08-2022, 13:30 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Memorandum of Understanding between West Ukrainian National University and De Montfort University (Great Britain) was signed today.

The classical university of Ternopil joined the "Twinning Initiative" launched by the British higher education consulting company "Cormack Consultancy Group" in April 2022. On May 10, 2022, the first working meeting was held with representatives of the "Cormack Consultancy Group" and representatives of De Montfort University, Great Britain. During the subsequent meetings, the participants not only got to know each other, but also worked on ways to establish constructive cooperation, exchanged ideas, proposals, information, and contacts. They focused on directions and areas that are beneficial to each of the parties.

Thus, the parties have agreed on working groups and their members in the areas of: international economics, law, international economic relations, and cyber security. WUNU has been granted access to libraries and courses with which will ve available to staff and students starting with the beginning of the academic year.

The Ukrainian side expressed its deep gratitude to colleagues from Britain for the support and assistance our state receives.

Members of the working groups have already planned a number of initiatives to support the educational process in the extremely difficult conditions of the Russian invasion in order to promote integration and further active involvement of the academic communities of both universities in the development of a common European educational space.