» » Negotiations giant Marty Latz will teach WUNU students

Negotiations giant Marty Latz will teach WUNU students

Дата: 26-08-2022, 11:53 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Reputational interests, creativity and preparation are the main elements of almost all successful negotiations. This is the opinion of a real negotiation expert, best-selling author, international trainer and founder of LATZ Negotiation, Mr. Marty Latz.

Recently, the director of WUNU Education and Research Institute of Communications, Oksana Koval, had the honor of establishing cooperation with Martin Latz, world-renowned expert in the field of negotiations. and welcoming him to the teaching team of the "Psychology of Negotiations and Mediation" programme.

Since 1995, Mr. Latz has trained over 100,000 lawyers and business professionals worldwide, including in Hong Kong, London, Beijing, Shanghai, Singapore, Prague, Brussels, Seoul and Bangkok. It is interesting that even the US President Barack Obama is one of Mr. Lutz's former students. Marty Latz has also negotiated for the White House nationally and internationally and was a professor at Arizona State University's Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law for ten years.

Extraordinary impressions from this conversation and excellent results. Mr. Latz has kindly agreed to lead a lecture course for students of the Master's programme "Psychology of Negotiations and Mediation", a joint project of WUNU and the Netherlands Business Academy.

The poignant conversation also turned to the topic of the war in Ukraine. Mr. Latz expressed his sincere condolences to the fallen soldiers and civilians. He was also very generous in his words of support and admiration for the heroism of the Ukrainian people.