» » Take part in competitive selection!

Take part in competitive selection!

Дата: 31-08-2022, 11:04 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 West Ukrainian National University has been participating in the Global Case Study Challenge (GCSC) global educational project on international business, cross-cultural communications and innovative digital learning for two years.

This is a unique opportunity for WUNU students to learn for free from the best teachers of the world's leading universities and business schools, to improve their English, leadership and digital research skills, cultural intelligence. Such experience will be a strong argument for employment in global corporations!

The Global Case Study Challenge (#GCSC) is a cross-cultural digital business education project that creates a unique experience for personal and professional development. University teachers and students from different parts of the world come together for experimental educational exchange, modeling of the world market and joint search for new business solutions based on the principles of sustainable development.

Students will be put into global virtual teams and assigned a case study and different activities to work on as a team for 8 weeks. By working on international business tasks, students not only gain knowledge in different thematic areas of cases, but also experience working with people from different cultures, time zones, curricula, and all this in a virtual context!

Do you want to join the competition and get into this cool project? Fill out the Google registration form at the link: https://forms.gle/hrXCaLWuTf1KTt9x9

Applications are accepted until September 5, hurry!

The competitive selection will take place during the IV WUNU International Week on September 7 at 4:00 p.m.