» » Professor that went back to school

Professor that went back to school

Дата: 5-09-2022, 12:30 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Iryna Shkitska, professor of the Department of Information and Socio-Cultural Activities of WUNU Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, received a scholarship from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange to study at a summer school of Polish language, literature and culture, organized by the School of Polish Language and Culture of the University of Silesia in Katowice.

All classes of the Polish language course involved listening, writing tasks, reading and oral communication in Polish. The educational program also included a series of lectures on the history and culture of Poland, participation in a contest of translators of Polish poetry, cultural meeting days, language games, etc.

The language internship was also a good opportunity to learn from the pedagogical experience of other teachers invited to the summer school in Cieszyn, in particular, about interactive methods of teaching foreign languages, implementation of a game approach in teaching, ways of using the latest information technologies in educational activities.

According to Iryna Shkitska, the language internship at the summer school of Polish language, literature and culture not only significantly improves the level of mastery of the Polish language and English as the language of international communication, but also makes it possible to get to know Poland's significant historical and cultural heritage and popularize Ukrainian language and culture.