» » Day 2 of WUNU I-WEEK 2022

Day 2 of WUNU I-WEEK 2022

Дата: 7-09-2022, 18:00 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The second day of the Fourth International Week at West Ukrainian National University began with a meeting with foreign scientists.

Fryderyk ZOLL, prof. dr hab., professor at the Department of Civil Law, Jagiellonian University (Poland), head of the Department of European and Polish Private Law and Comparative Law, Osnabrück University (Germany) talked with students about the development of Ukrainian-Polish relations in modern conditions.

Yevhenia DULYBA, Doctor of Law, scholarship holder of the University of Lodz within the framework of the competition «Excellence Initiative Research University» discussed the situation in Ukraine and its impact on the nuclear safety of Europe and the world. Threats to nuclear safety know no borders. Awareness of the threat to peace and international security posed by the proliferation of nuclear weapons led to the fact that the international community set itself the task of establishing control over the use of nuclear technologies.

International discussion platform “Support of international partners during war as a factor of victory: humanitarian, educational and scientific dimensions” was moderated by Hryhorii MONASTYRSKYI, Doctor of Economics, prof., Department of Management, Public Administration and Personnel, West Ukrainian National University. Dr. Irena Lelugene - affiliated professor of the Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania) made suggestions for strengthening cooperation between WUNU and the Lithuanian university for the activation of international academic mobility.

WUNU rector Andriy Krysovatyy joined the work of the International Week: "Dear friends, we have created an international space where we can listen to each other, see new perspectives and find solutions to today's urgent problems together.Such conversations about current problems of education and science are an opportunity to develop and support each other. I wish everyone to find like-minded people and gain momentum for the progress of our countries. Inspiration, fruitful and constructive work during the IV International Week at WUNU!"