» » Attention WUNU students!

Attention WUNU students!

Дата: 13-09-2022, 11:30 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 We invite students to take part in the competitive selection to participate in the EYFON European Forum, October 10 - 14, 2022 in the city of Neumarkt, Austria.

The Neumarkt European Youth Forum aims to support the European identification of young people. EYFON (European Youth Forum Neumarkt) is a response to the challenges facing Europe today. Young Europeans are invited to learn about their history, European principles, as well as to get to know each other and communicate in the European spirit. EYFON offers a programme for young people from all over Europe, where participants can discuss European ideas and ideals in cooperation with relevant European institutions. Forum participants can expect discussions about the future of the European continent, familiarization with European principles and the development of critical thinking and perspectives for modern Europe.

To participate, students need to speak English at the B2 level, German at the A2 level and fill out the form at the link https://forms.gle/1tPv8hjdT4AYidMp6
Application deadline is September 15.