» » Charity Fair "Together to Victory!"

Charity Fair "Together to Victory!"

Дата: 20-09-2022, 14:19 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Tens of thousands of our defenders defend the borders of Ukraine every day. They all need attention and understanding, so even our smallest contribution is part of a great cause. Today, the university family of WUNU has gathered in the main hall of WUNU Building 1. The faculty, employees and students of the classical university of Ternopil joined forces for the "Together to Victory!" charity fair, noting that the collected funds would be allocated to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Rector Andriy Krysovatyy addressed the audience: "We are strong when we are together! Today, in the conditions of war, we feel how much we must be unite, make maximum efforts for the sake of a peaceful future. Thank you to everyone who participated in our event and to the students who prepared various goodies. We do everything to make the military feel that they are not alone facing the enemy. Let's be proud that we are Ukrainians!"

We all understand the true value of our independence. In the difficult time of Ukraine's resistance to Russian aggression, the whole world is united in a desperate struggle. That is why each of us took the opportunity to join the charitable cause, showing our patriotism, sincere heart and care. The youth notes that it is important not to forget about the struggle and support in the rear, because the courageous heroes of Ukraine confidently defend the interests of our state every day. Young men and women offered guests a variety of sweets and culinary curiosities.

West Ukrainian National University always readily responds to calls for help from the Ukrainian military - materially, morally, and spiritually. It is nice that the organized fair gave the visitors a lot of pleasure and pleasant emotions, and the common idea brought everyone together.

In the end, 67,755 hryvnias were collected from the charity fair.

Together we are a force! Everything will be Ukraine!