» » Day 2 of the International ACIT'22 Conference

Day 2 of the International ACIT'22 Conference

Дата: 28-09-2022, 12:36 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 During the second day of the 12th International Conference "Advanced Computer Information Technologies", 39 reports were heard in four sections:

1) Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Systems;

2) Information Technology in Education;

3) Computational Intelligence and Mathematical Modelling;

4) Information in Economy and Management.

Winners of the IT project competition, graduates of the winter IT schools of the Faculty of Computer Information Technologies also presented their works. The final was held in June 2022 in Ternopil. Students presented their projects to the participants of the event in English.

Andrii Rusnak, a first-year student majoring in "Automation and computer-integrated technologies" spoke about "Creating your own NFT collection and publishing it on the marketplace." An NFT is a digital or physical asset that is created based on blockchain technology, giving full ownership of that asset. Based on the research, a collection of 7,777 Ukrainian war geese was created and published on the best marketplace.

Viktoria Savchenko, a first-year student majoring in "Cybersecurity", presented the project "Methods for finding the inverse element by module", which was carried out under the guidance of associate professor of the Department of Cybersecurity Ihor Yakymenko.

Student Tetiana Pukas presented the mobile application "Museums of Ternopil" (local history, art and political prisoners), which was developed during her studies at the winter IT school. The head of the project is Andrii Melnyk, associate professor of the Department of Computer Sciences.

Vice-rector of the Catholic University in Ružomberok, Dr. Martin Taray noted the high quality of the presented programs and the high level of training of Ukrainian students. Co-chairman of the conference, dean of the Faculty of Computer Information Technologies of WUNU, professor Mykola Dyvak presented prizes to the winners for the further development of their projects.