» » Interactive lecture "Negotiations as a special type of communication"

Interactive lecture "Negotiations as a special type of communication"

Дата: 3-10-2022, 12:04 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On October 8, WUNU Education and Research Institute of Communications is hosting an interactive lecture "Negotiations as a special type of communication" for "Psychology" majors of the international educational and professional Master's programme of two diplomas "Psychology of negotiations and mediation" within the academic course "Fundamentals of negotiations".

Speaker: Oleh Tryboi - mediator, international adviser on mediation and conflict management, lawyer, negotiation coach, teacher.

At the lecture, students will get acquainted with the main definitions of the topic, learn about the types and main strategies of influence during negotiations, the role of negotiations as a tool of professional activity.

We invite everyone who seeks professional and personal development to join the team of the Education and Research Institute of Communications and gain new knowledge and skills from the world's best experts.

The event will be held at 09:35 online (Meeting ID: 838 555 6160; passcode: 092020).