» » Warsaw Summer School 2022

Warsaw Summer School 2022

Дата: 5-10-2022, 14:15 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Graduates of the School of Polish and European Law 2021-2022 had a great opportunity to take part in the Warsaw Summer School 2022 "Regulacje wspyerające kompetitivność gospodarki", organized by the Allerhand Institute (Warsaw, Republic of Poland). Students attended lectures, workshops and discussions on current legal issues.

With the support of Adam Redzik, the judge of the Supreme Court of Poland, a study trip to the institution and a meeting with the President of the Court (Pierwszy Prezes Sądu Najwyższego) Malgożata Manowska were organized. Graduates got acquainted with the structure and main directions of the court's work, its history and features of case consideration.

It was interesting to visit one of the largest law firms in Poland, "Kubas, Kos, Gałkowski", which has been providing services to Polish and foreign companies and individuals in Polish, English, German, French, Japanese, Spanish and Italian for more than 30 years. Students had the opportunity to learn about the practical aspects of advocacy in Poland.

The second part of the study tour was related to participation in "Common Dialogue for a Shared Future - Polish-German-Ukrainian Cooperation for dialogue and understanding" (Krakow, Republic of Poland). This project brought together representatives of Ukraine, Poland and Germany. The participants had the opportunity to become part of a Polish-German-Ukrainian group of young women who are working on identifying extreme attitudes in our societies, the causes of their occurrence and ways to prevent them, and also learned to work with new methods of communication based on the principles of mutual respect, dialogue and reconciliation, which will be useful to a professional lawyer.

The program discussed important social topics, in particular: leveling the rights of people with certain physical disabilities. Thanks to the opportunity of intercultural communication in groups with female students from Germany and Poland, graduates of the School had the opportunity to significantly improve their spoken English and Polish.