» » Ukrainian-German faculty-programme

Ukrainian-German faculty-programme

Дата: 5-10-2022, 15:36 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Department of International Economics of B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations has a very long tradition of cooperation with German economists. The Ukrainian-German faculty-programme has been operating for about 20 years. This is a unique programme in Ukraine for economists who, along with studying professional disciplines, can perfectly master the German language and complete a semester of study at the Technical University of Dresden (TUD) at the expense of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

In 2022, West Ukrainian National University, with the support of DAAD, is expanding cooperation with the Technical University of Dresden. The application for financing the project "Dresden Technical University builds bridges - Digitization of the German-language educational programme on "International Economy" of WUNU under the leadership of the head of the Department of Economic Informatics of the Faculty of Economics of TUD was accepted for financing by the German Service of Academic Exchanges.

The project will be implemented in two stages:
1) online participation of students of the German-language educational programme in "International Economics" in the winter semester 2022/2023 (October - end of December) in the module "Case studies - work in the virtual classroom" (work in mixed small groups with students from two universities in Dresden , with the didactic support of teachers. The topic of the module is "Development of business models for startups in the green energy sector");

2) intensive training of WUNU teachers of the German-language educational programme on "International Economics" in the COIL approach (collaborative online international learning) within the framework of a week-long visit to TUD and further online learning during the winter semester 2022/2023.