» » Summer school at the University of Potsdam (Germany)

Summer school at the University of Potsdam (Germany)

Дата: 7-10-2022, 18:29 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 WUNU students majoring in Business Communication and Translation (Inna Chornii, Yuliia Romanchak, Svitlana Kvasnytska, Olena Paranych) and Legal Journalism (Tamara Melishkevych) have started their studies under the programme "Cross-cultural analysis of social and economic development".

During their studies, the girls not only explored different cultures, but also had the opportunity to meet the founder of a foundation in Leipzig that fights against discrimination. Young people visited the Parliament and discussed immigration policy with MP Natali Pavlik.

On the last day of training, the participants defended their projects in line with the school's theme, where they showed all that they had learned during this period. Two weeks of the summer school Applications of Cross-Cultural Analysis at FHPotsdam University of Applied Sciences passed quickly.

"We are extremely grateful to our organizers Olena Mykhailenko and Daniel Heinz, who accompanied us on all days of our stay in Potsdam. We will be happy to meet again!" - say the girls.