» » WUNU supported the Greening of the Planet global eco-initiative for the Day of Defenders of Ukraine

WUNU supported the Greening of the Planet global eco-initiative for the Day of Defenders of Ukraine

Дата: 13-10-2022, 13:55 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On the eve of the Day of Defenders of Ukraine, employees and students of West Ukrainian National University supported the global eco-initiative "Greening of the Planet" by planting trees on the campus.

This is not only a sign of great respect and gratitude to our soldiers, but also a contribution to the restoration of the ecosystem and a step towards saving the planet, sickened by wars and destruction.

"Unity is an invincible force!" - this is the slogan of the campaign.
As part of the initiative, cherry blossoms and lilacs, trees symbolizing life, rebirth, peace and victory, were planted today.

The event brought together well-known alumni of our institution, students and teachers of B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations.

Oksana Desyatnyuk, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Research (International RElations), Iryna Ivashchuk, director of the B. Havrylyshyn ERIIR, and Tetiana Chubak, Honorary Consul of Hungary in Ternopil, joined the event.

"I believe that it is very important to support such initiatives in our time. We remember the invaluable contribution of Ukrainian defenders to the victory and honor the Heroes who gave the most valuable thing for us - their own lives. And our alley will be another reminder of this." - says the vice-rector.