» » WUNU students at the European Youth Forum "EYFON"

WUNU students at the European Youth Forum "EYFON"

Дата: 17-10-2022, 14:18 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Students of West Ukrainian National University took part in the European Youth Forum EYFON. From October 9 to 14, the girls had the opportunity to contribute to the public discussion on the topic "Peace and Communication in Today's Situations in the World."

Students from 8 countries joined the project: Ukraine, Albania, Turkey, Montenegro, Greece, Poland, Austria, Georgia. Everyone had the opportunity to express their point of view and reach a consensus.

We wish to express our gratitude to Christoph Leitl for the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the life of Austria, to expand multicultural communication, to feel and see the strong support of Ukraine.