» » Students met with the diplomat Liudmyla Nedikska

Students met with the diplomat Liudmyla Nedikska

Дата: 18-10-2022, 13:36 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Recently, the Faculty of Social and Humanities of West Ukrainian National University organized an open online lecture by Liudmyla Nedilska, a Ukrainian diplomat, candidate of political sciences, for students majoring in Information, Library and Archival Affairs, and Journalism. The topic of the meeting was diplomatic protocol, namely an introduction to the study of this disciplines.

The future information analyst, Markiyan Pyvovarov, notes that the students got acquainted with the basic concepts, categories and principles on which diplomatic relations are built, their development in dynamics, methods of implementing foreign policy, the art of communication between diplomats and diplomatic etiquette, ensuring scientific knowledge of diplomatic relations, political realities, formed ideas about the functioning of diplomatic institutions and the role of diplomacy in the modern world, armed themselves with the ability to analyze politics.

Diplomatic protocol has a rich history, its own peculiarities and traditions, but its primary basis remains in the deep respect for a high-ranking foreign guest, for the state and the people they represent. The rules and norms of the diplomatic protocol formed up to our time regulate almost all forms of foreign policy and international economic cooperation. One of the organic components of diplomatic protocol is diplomatic etiquette.

Viktoria Burmitska and Anastasia Plavaiko, master's students, say that knowledge of the protocol is necessary not only for diplomats, but also for every civil servant who deals with issues of international economic cooperation - moreover - for every businessman who wants to successfully cooperate with his foreign partners. Competent command of the rules and norms of modern diplomatic and business protocol increases the prestige not only of the diplomatic or economic department, but also of the state.