» » Students residing on WUNU campus help the AFU

Students residing on WUNU campus help the AFU

Дата: 21-10-2022, 12:11 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Recently, students of the Residence Hall No. 4 donated trench candles to the defenders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In this difficult and fateful time for our country, no one should be indifferent, everyone should contribute to the victory, because only together we are strong and indomitable.

Young people say that it is important for them to help the heroes who courageously fight for the freedom for our country, even through such simple things as a trench candle, which is a source of light, heat and energy. We believe and hope that they will warm and save our soldiers in the cold season.

We believe in victory!