» » ERI of Communications expands its international cooperation

ERI of Communications expands its international cooperation

Дата: 31-10-2022, 10:55 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Mediation has proven itself as an effective way of resolving conflicts in most countries of the world and is gradually covering all spheres of life. Each state that introduces mediation decides independently which model of mediation will best suit its legal system and cultural traditions. Gaining experience, exchanging ideas, creating joint projects together with representatives of leading centers in the field of mediation and practicing mediators is one of the tasks of the School of Negotiations and Mediation of WUNU Education and Research Institute of Communications.

Recently, the director of ERIC Oksana Koval had a meeting with the founder, director of the Cambodian Centre for Mediation, senior researcher of the Weinstein International Foundation (USA), ADR expert Savath Meas.

Mr. Meas is the coordinator of the Access to Justice project, a joint ADR and mediation program of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Royal Government of Cambodia. As President of the Board of Directors, he leads CCM's initiatives in ADR and mediation programs, and assists numerous non-governmental organizations and government agencies in the formation and implementation of formal ADR programs. In particular, he developed ADR and mediation programs for Justice Service Centers for Community Dispute Resolution Committees under the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The parties are preparing to sign an agreement on cooperation between institutions and are taking the first steps towards obtaining an international scholarship program.

The School of Negotiations and Mediation will continue to work on international cooperation projects. Such experience will contribute to the development of a fundamentally new and modern approach to the further institutionalization of mediation in Ukraine.