» » Training from the Israeli Trauma Coalition

Training from the Israeli Trauma Coalition

Дата: 1-11-2022, 12:09 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Due to the full-scale war, every Ukrainian has faced many challenges. Each of us has a place in this story, even though we are all in the same situation. It's also a different experience for social workers, because people's stress levels exacerbate war-related traumas and require skilled care. Within the framework of cooperation between the Israeli Trauma Coalition and West Ukrainian National University, social workers of the Ternopil region undergo specialized training.

Because of Israel's experience as a country that has lived in a state of war for many years, their specialists skillfully work with such requests and transfer their experiences to other countries. It is very important to learn self-care, which will protect against burnout and secondary injuries. Because only by being able to master your anxiety, you can be effective with people who urgently need our help.

It is necessary to normalize emotions, achieve balance. Experiencing grief is a specific situation. We can experience different reactions: shock, sadness, bewilderment, disorientation, guilt, or stay for a long time in a state of apathy and desolation. It is important that a person can perform their daily tasks, not lose the opportunity to concentrate. Techniques for relaxation and stress relief were shared by Svitlana Tarasov (Israel) today.