» » New international community in the field of mediation and negotiations

New international community in the field of mediation and negotiations

Дата: 4-11-2022, 13:09 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 One of the main tasks of the Education and Research Institute of Communications is to create a high-quality platform for training and networking of students of the School of Negotiations and Mediation. Therefore, the staff of the institute is working on establishing new perspective relations in this field with organizations and institutions from different countries of the world.

The University of Aberdeen (Scotland, Great Britain) is one of the most powerful and oldest universities in Scotland. The university is divided into three colleges, which in turn are divided into a certain number of schools, institutes or other institutions.

The School of Law at the University of Aberdeen, which has programmes in mediation and dispute resolution, as well as the School of Psychology of the University of Aberdeen, are of considerable interest to the Institute of Communications. The Mediation and Dispute Resolution program is led by the university's Professor Derek Auchie, who also serves as Chair of the Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland and Internal Convenor of the House of Health and Education.

Recently, the director of the Education and Research Institute of Communications, Oksana Koval, had a rather productive meeting with Professor Derek Auchie. The conversation focused on establishing cooperation in the form of exchange of teachers on related programmes, holding joint lectures and master classes, joining efforts in organizing scientific conferences, writing joint scientific papers, participating in grant projects, exchange programmes.

The parties are considering the terms of the cooperation agreement with the sincere hope for productive partnership relations and friendly communication.