» » New avenues of cooperation with Hungary

New avenues of cooperation with Hungary

Дата: 14-11-2022, 16:36 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The rector of West Ukrainian National University, Andriy Krysovatyy, met with Mihai Gruber, the secretary of the Hungarian embassy for culture and education. They discussed issues of cooperation between WUNU and Hungarian institutions of higher education.

"Ternopil is very interesting in many aspects: cultural and educational. We have ideas and would like to implement them in the scientific and educational sphere together with your university."

Mr. Gruber expressed his desire to establish international relations between WUNU and Hungarian universities through the Erasmus+ programme.

The idea of lectures by Hungarian professors as part of the Public Diplomacy Studies 4.0 project was voiced.