» » Start of the student council project "FSSH Debate"

Start of the student council project "FSSH Debate"

Дата: 21-11-2022, 18:30 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Recently, a new project of the student council "Debates at the FSSH" was launched at West Ukrainian National University. The topic of the first meeting was "Euthanasia in Ukraine: for or against?".

Students of DID-21 and ZHPR-21 competed against each other in a fierce debate. Spectators watched an intellectual duel in which the participants had the opportunity to state their arguments, counterarguments, ask questions of their opponents and get a decent answer.

According to the judges' decision, the team of legal journalists won, but all young men and women showed themselves worthy and eloquent.

The first heated debate in the history of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities was a raging success!