» » Launch of the winter session of the School of Energy Efficiency

Launch of the winter session of the School of Energy Efficiency

Дата: 13-12-2022, 09:25 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The School of Energy Efficiency of West Ukrainian National University announces the start of the winter session and announces the recruitment of students.

Thematic platforms:
- the basics of energy efficiency and energy saving;
- in search of alternative energy.
- how to beat a blackout.

Trainings will be conducted by the guarantor of the "Energy Audit" educational programme, professors of the Department of Business Analytics and Innovative Engineering, energy efficiency experts, and certified energy auditors.

After the end of the winter session at the school, participants will receive a certificate and a recommendation for enrollment in the "Energy Audit" educational programme.

Contacts for registration: +38 (097) 441 19 25
+38 (097) 436 60 40
Department of Business Analytics and Innovative Engineering
3 Peremohy square, Ternopil
WUNU Building No. 2, room 2116.

Energy efficiency is in our hands!