» » Weekend course «Academic Writing Made Easy!»

Weekend course «Academic Writing Made Easy!»

Дата: 7-12-2022, 12:30 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The Center for American Studies invites ambitious students, graduate students, doctoral students, experienced teachers to participate in the certified weekend course "Academic Writing Made Easy!" with a native speaker and scholar John Patrick Higgins, an alumnus of George Mason University.

The mini-course will be held on December 9-10, 2022. The number of slots is limited.

During the course, you will master the art of academic writing in English and develop your own style, learn to quickly and effectively write academicic texts that will help you achieve your dream goals and get to famous conferences, learn about effective methods of writing scientific articles and chapters in monographs for leading journals and publishers, identify the most common mistakes in academic work and how to effectively avoid them, understand the "academic grammar" of the English language, including, but not limited to: cases, correct use of articles, tenses, ways to avoid the passive voice, adverbial and adjective phrases, academic structure of sentences and much more.

We will have the opportunity to put your skills into practice! If you wish, we will involve you in useful practical exercises.

More information and registration: https://fb.me/e/3IndllPPb