» » Job opportunities at Baker Tilly

Job opportunities at Baker Tilly

Дата: 22-12-2022, 18:48 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 An online meeting with Baker Tilly representatives will be held on December 26 at 2:00 p.m. You will learn about the possibilities of starting your career, the prospects of professional development in the company and will be able to ask questions.

To register for the meeting, follow the link:


Baker Tilly is one of the largest auditing and consulting companies in Ukraine, a member of the Baker Tilly International network. In addition to providing professional services and assistance with business development, the company creates value for its employees, customers, society and the country.

Baker Tilly is also looking for enthusiastic, active, self-developing students and graduates for the position of assistant auditor.

They appreciate people's desire to realize themselves and reveal their potential, and therefore actively invest in the professional and personal development of employees.

Zoom ID: 328 441 3912


Live streaming: https://www.youtube.com/@oleglutsyshyn6580