» » L. Kanishchenko Library works for the sake of Ukrainian victory

L. Kanishchenko Library works for the sake of Ukrainian victory

Дата: 4-01-2023, 13:23 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Today, L. Kanishchenko Library of West Ukrainian National University is a symbol of culture. It is an information center that offers resources qualitatively changing the educational process.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the aggressor country, WUNU Library became the headquarters of volunteer activities in weaving camouflage nets, protective suits for snipers and making trench candles. Librarians support our soldiers every day and tirelessly, painstakingly weave ribbons of fabric with love and respect for defenders. Therefore, summing up volunteer activities for 2022, the library team notes: "We made more than 370 camouflage nets, sewed and knitted about 130 protective sniper suits."

Despite the harsh realities of today, the WUNU Library was fully functional during the year. An important aspect of the library's activity is its active presence in international rankings: The Times Higher Education, QS World University Rankings, Webometrics, Uniranks, etc. This makes it possible to evaluate the activities and achievements of our university in general and the teaching staff on the world stage. In addition, the library continues to participate in the world ranking of transparency of institutional repositories of universities and other scientific and educational institutions (Transparent Ranking of Repositories). The library has full access to Scopus and Web of Science. Established close cooperation with the platforms: Research4Life, Coursera, EBSCO, ElseviarHealth, Grafiaty, ELibUkr. Our partners: Goethe Institute, Unicheck, Grafiaty, Clarivate Analytics, Ukrainian Library Association.

108 book exhibitions were organized for our visitors, the topics of which were covered by 4343 documents; more than 40 cultural and educational events, 56 library lessons, excursions and reviews were held.

In the reading room, seminars and practical classes were organized for students of various specialties, the purpose of which was to popularize the scientific and professional editions and to help students find the necessary literature.

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