» » II Winter Legal Games at WUNU

II Winter Legal Games at WUNU

Дата: 13-01-2023, 14:03 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The Faculty of Law of West Ukrainian National University is organizing a scientific and practical quest for students of 1-3 years called II Winter Legal Games.

From 16 to 31 February, boys and girls will test their intelligence, sportsmanship, creativity and prove that their team is the best.

Assemble your group of 3-5 people and complete interesting tasks:
- a case from a law firm;
- writing an article for a professional publication;
- sports team task, etc.

The captain can register the team until January 15, 18:00 at the link: https://forms.gle/6hH4z67yae23SdZc9

Citius! Altius! Fortius!