» » Intern in Slovakia!

Intern in Slovakia!

Дата: 13-01-2023, 14:58 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 WUNU International Relations Office encourages 4th-year bachelor's students and 1st-year master's students who study business administration, logistics, marketing, IT and whose English is at least at B2 level, to take part in the competitive selection for an internship in Slovakia in 2023, within the framework of the Erasmus + programme. The training period is 5 months in companies corresponding to educational training programmes.

Accommodation, insurance and financial support are provided at the expense of the host party.

If you are requested, please submit the necessary set of documents by January 26, 2023: a copy of the individual study plan (record book), CV, motivation letter, copy of the foreign passport. Send the documents to the e-mail: inter.dep@wunu.edu.ua or bring them to the International Relations Office (WUNU Building 1, room 1222).

Selection will be held on January 27 at 2:00 p.m. Address: 11 Lvivska st., WUNU Building 1, Rectorate Hall (room 1302).

More details about the conditions of the competition can be obtained from the leading specialist of the International Relations Office Yulia Kmet (WUNU Building 1, room 1222).