» » Methodological webinar "Academic Integrity as the Foundation of Educational Trajectory"

Methodological webinar "Academic Integrity as the Foundation of Educational Trajectory"

Дата: 18-01-2023, 16:31 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The Department of Management, Public Administration and Personnel and students of the Faculty of Economics and Management held a joint methodical seminar "Academic Integrity as the Foundation of Educational Trajectory".

Zhanna Krysko, the guarantor of the "Management" educational programme, drew the attention of the event participants to the main provisions of WUNU's internal organizational documents, which regulate the procedure for observing the principles of academic integrity at the university.

Natalia Kotys, associate professor at the department, introduced the audience to her own comparative analysis of foreign experience in introducing academic integrity.

At the end of the methodological seminar, the students explored the term academic integrity through a discussion, taking into account the challenges of today and the trends in the development of higher education.