» » Scientific diplomacy at WUNU

Scientific diplomacy at WUNU

Дата: 16-02-2023, 11:30 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Recently, within the framework of the project "Public Diplomacy Studies 4.0: Expertise on Politics, Economics, Business and Intercultural Communications," a meeting was held with Tetiana Vodotyka, PhD in History, Research Fellow at the Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The topic of the conversation was "Scientific Diplomacy". We talked about how Ukrainian science "lives through the war", the evolution and formula of Ukraine's international image in the "frames of the future", the scientific backstage, the "battle trophies" of Ukrainian scientists, difficult but responsible decisions, social intelligence and the voice of "one's state". The main trends of educational diplomacy were also discussed, including Ukrainian studies as an interdisciplinary field, security studies, democratic transit, renovation and modernization of Ukraine in the context of European values.

The participants tried to answer the question: "Why are Ukrainian scholars abroad?" Well, to create new knowledge about Ukraine for Ukraine; to broadcast what is commonly known about our country to the world; to change the discourse and "imposed narratives" about Ukraine in the world; and finally, to demonstrate to the world that Ukraine is about inventions, creativity, sustainability, and new scientific perspectives. We realized that scientists abroad are moderators and ambassadors of Ukraine's image in the world.

As our guest noted, "Everyone is looking for their own motivation and their own path in science. There are no small steps on this path. These are small steps on a big path for your country and your people. At the same time, science is interesting, it is an opportunity to do what you like and get a drive from it. Science is a unique community of like-minded people without borders and a comfortable working environment. Science is a social elevator."

Thank you for an interesting and motivating meeting.

The project is being implemented on the basis of the B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations of the West Ukrainian National University in partnership with GDIP Media Center. We thank our partners for their support.