» » Cooperation with the Foundation of the Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, USA

Cooperation with the Foundation of the Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, USA

Дата: 15-02-2023, 12:58 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 As part of the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding between West Ukrainian National University and the Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, New York (CERGE-EI Foundation), partnership activities have been launched:

Step 1 - a pedagogical course for local instructors of the distance learning program on February 13-16.

Step 2 - involvement of students in the courses: Climate Change Economics by Silvester van Koten, Ph.D. (studetns of Department of International Economics); Education Economics by Miroslava Federicova, Ph.D. (Department of International Economic Relations); Development Economics by Martina Miotto Ph.D. (Department of Foreign Languages and Information and Communication Technologies of WUNU).

The project is being implemented at the B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations, coordinated and initiated by the Head of the Department of International Economics Iryna Zvarych.