» » Ukrainian-Spanish cooperation through the School of Negotiation and Mediation of WUNU

Ukrainian-Spanish cooperation through the School of Negotiation and Mediation of WUNU

Дата: 7-02-2023, 14:22 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 In search of new modern interactive methods of teaching negotiation and mediation that would not only interest students in the educational material, but also ensure full immersion in the practical simulations and visualization of real cases, a working meeting of colleagues from Ukraine and Spain was recently held at the WUNU ERIC.

West Ukrainian National University was represented by Professor Jan van Zwieten, Director of the School of Negotiation and Mediation, Oksana Koval, Director of the Education and Research Institute of Communications, and Anastasia Martynevych, Coordinator of International Activities at the Institute.

The Spanish side was represented by colleagues from the Catholic University of San Antonio de Murcia UCAM: Professor of Law, mediator Maria Mendez Rocasolano, Vice President for International Relations and Communications, Creative Director of the University Pablo Lopez Guardiola, and computer engineer of the Multimedia Department Alberto Ortiz.

The parties discussed the details of a new joint project to introduce modern IT technologies into the educational process of the Negotiation Psychology and Mediation program.

We sincerely hope that the cooperation with our Spanish colleagues will be full of interesting ideas and will be realized by the implementation of the Spanish experience of teaching negotiation and mediation at West Ukrainian National University.