» » Meeting with the Director General of the OUTLOOK Project within the framework of the Public Diplomacy Studies 4.0

Meeting with the Director General of the OUTLOOK Project within the framework of the Public Diplomacy Studies 4.0

Дата: 9-02-2023, 14:18 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 As part of the Public Diplomacy Studies 4.0: Expertise on Politics, Economics, Business and Intercultural Communication, a meeting was held with Daria Kariakina, CEO of the OUTLOOK project, an expert in cultural diplomacy and intercultural communication, and organizer of the Outlook World Culture Festival.

The topic of the conversation this time was intercultural communication in public diplomacy. The participants talked about project management through the prism of the best practices and Ukrainian cases, the subtleties of protocol and etiquette, factors shaping the peculiarities of the mentality and behavior of representatives of different countries and cultures, effective communication when establishing business contacts with foreign partners and foreign delegations before and during the organization of large-scale international events, and success stories and formulas.

There was also a lot of about motivation: "People will ask you why you need to do this. You will be told: you won't succeed! It's not the right time... But you follow your dream! Take small steps towards the realization of your goals and purpose! Because the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step," Daria Kariakina.

The project "Public Diplomacy Studies" is implemented by the B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations of West Ukrainian National University.