» » Educational forum "ITodayWUNU"

Educational forum "ITodayWUNU"

Дата: 21-02-2023, 14:38 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Kharkiv IT Cluster continues to focus on education and career guidance, helping teenagers decide on their future profession and helping teachers improve their skills.

Recently, Kharkiv IT Cluster, together with SoftServe, EPAM, Sigma Software, and Intellias, took part in the ITodayWUNU educational forum in cooperation with West Ukrainian National University.

"ITodayWUNU" is a busy week of practical and theoretical activities, meetings with representatives of IT companies and lecturers of the Department of Information and Computer Systems and Management of the Ternopil's classical university.

During the forum, the participants learned about the peculiarities and prospects of the IT market in Ukraine, reviewed IT trends, talked about the development of the IT sector, the differences between different IT companies, opportunities for getting a job in IT with a non-technical profession, and the product development cycle in an IT company.