» » Meeting with the Advisor to the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine

Meeting with the Advisor to the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine

Дата: 22-02-2023, 14:59 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The project "Public Diplomacy Studies 4.0: Expertise on Politics, Economics, Business, and Intercultural Communications" continues at B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations of WUNU.

Recently, the Institute's staff and students met with Vladyslava Mahaletska, Advisor to the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine for European Integration (2014-2016), Head of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection (2020-2022).

The topic of the discussion was "Expert opinion on food security in Ukraine and the world".

The participants discussed the diversification and segmentation of world markets, current trends, geopolitical and behavioral changes in the global agricultural market; ensuring food security of Ukraine and the principles of international food security; disruption of exports due to the blocking of transport corridors in the Black Sea and how Russia uses "grain corridors" for blackmail; European standards for the safety of Ukrainian food quality; restoration of the Ukrainian agricultural sector and its orientation after the war and ensuring secure export corridors, the future of global supply chains.

Food security is an extremely important issue for Ukraine and the world. Our country is among the top 5 exporters of agricultural products; as about 50% of Ukrainian exports are agricultural exports, they are the main source of foreign exchange earnings for Ukraine.

Ihor Rogalskyi, Head of the Main Department of the State Food and Consumer Service in Ternopil Oblast, also joined the meeting.