» » "UNICORN DAY" in cooperation with an IT company

"UNICORN DAY" in cooperation with an IT company

Дата: 23-02-2023, 15:59 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 UNICORN DAY will be held as part of the cooperation between the Faculty of Computer Information Technologies of West Ukrainian National University and the Unicorn IT company.

We invite students to join the meeting, as you will have a great opportunity to learn more about the IT world, take part in a workshop, and communicate with the organization's technical and other specialists.

Leading experts will talk about the products that the teams in the Ternopil office are working on, their own development tools (Unicorn Application Framework based on JS), the experience of a project analyst, and a list of basic competencies and skills. The speakers will also share a list of opportunities for students at Unicorn in 2023.

When: February 28 at 16:00.

ZOOM platform: https://bit.ly/3EvBlgZ