» » Students of international studies meet with Markus Peuser

Students of international studies meet with Markus Peuser

Дата: 13-03-2023, 10:34 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 At the School of International Communications, students majoring in Business Communications and Translation had a great opportunity to improve their communication skills with German national Markus Peuser (Lübeck, Germany).

This time, the topic of the language club was leisure activities, hobbies and, of course, grammar.

The boys and girls were happy to communicate with Markus, as this is the fifth time they have met: twice online and for the third time at our university.

This time, a first-year student majoring in Business Communications and Translation won a scholarship to study German at StartDeutsch Schule.

We look forward to the successful development of our cooperation with Markus Peuser!